Thursday, August 30, 2007

Poor blogger

Well, I thought I would take a few moments to update everyone. I haven't been posting because our life is pretty humdrum with little of interest or entertainment to it, and because, somehow, in the humdrum life, I never have a free second!

Today, however, I am home from work, Walker is napping, on into his third hour for the afternoon, Sophie June is quiet inside me and not making me sleepy, and I decided to clean the house on Saturday instead of today. Convenient decision motivated by laziness, I think.

We have had a whirlwind of a summer, and now we are into another whirlwind getting ready for the arrival of our new little one while Ben and Mimi start school. The baby is pretty much cooked, and at my doctor's appointment on Monday, we got the word that it could be "any day now." I'm hoping "any day now" means at least "2 more weeks" because I still have a few tasks to check off my list before she arrives. One of them is, how to make Walker not a two-year old. Any suggestions?
We will keep the blog updated on Sophie June's arrival!


Lindsay Ward said...

I saw you commented on Randy's so I checked your b/c you seem to only read blogs when you update :) I have a suggestion on making Walker not a 2 year old...send him over to his aunt and uncle's!

Brenda said...

I thought you were due any time now. Can't wait to see some sweet pictures. As for the 2 year old I have no idea. But I will check back to see what others say so that I am prepared. :)

Brenda Walker said...

We have a little tv watcher. She turns her head any way she can so she can see it! Congrats when it happens!


CrazyUncle said...

I think all you new parents deserve a two year old. There is nothing like it. It is an interesting age.

Auntie Eisel said...

Hey, glad you updated! I bet you're stinkin' excited for Sophie to get here!